I have never really understood the necessity of blogging as far as the average person is concerned, but lately I have started to change my mind. Reading a few friends blogs recently has been rather fascinating. It gives me a new perspective into their thought process and helps me understand them better on a personal level. And hell, it lets me be the person I truly excel at being, an overly curious person who can satiate that craving on a voyeuristic level.
With that in mind, I have decided to return the favor to anyone who is like me. I will put to words the random musings that take up entirely too much space inside my brain. Whether or not people will actually read this drivel is yet to be seen, but if at least one person can be as touched by my ramblings as I can be by others, then I guess my mission is accomplished.
P.S. I would like to offer a brief disclaimer before setting out on my first idea. There is no rhyme or reason to the thoughts that swirl around inside my head. It is like any given Sunday up there. It ranges from hopeless romantic, suicidal maniac, overly optimistic, and downright peculiar. I like to think that is a normal function of human behavior, but over time I have come to realize that is just not the case. With that in mind, I hope your stay here will be mostly enjoyable.
Welcome to Blogging!! Can't wait to see your future posts. =)